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RootChip Microfluidics

Welcome to Cell and Interaction Biology

We study cell morphogenesis and growth regulation in plants. With the help of multidisciplinary approaches, we aim to understand how plant cells obtain their functional form, how they perceive and communicate environmental stimuli and how they respond to them in terms of cell structure and growth.

We pursue three research directions:

  • Cell polarity, morphogenesis and growth regulation
  • Stimulus processing, cell-cell communication and acclimatization
  • Development of structured micro-environments for the microscopy of plant roots and microorganisms


ICIB News:

New paper: RoPod, a customizable toolkit for non-invasive root imaging, reveals cell type-specific dynamics of plant autophagy

In this collaboration with Alyona Minina from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Uppsala, we present a series of novel 3D-printable chambers for root imaging. RoPods have enabled us to determine the kinetics of autophagosome formation in roots, a process highly sensitive to environmental perturbation.

Prof. Dr. Guido Grossmann
Building: 26.44
Floor/room: U1.091
Claudia Franken-Stemmler
claudia.franken-stemmler(at)hhu.de Building: 26.44
Floor/room: U1.085
+49 211 81-12231

ICIB gratefully acknowledges funding and support by:

Responsible for the content: Prof. Dr. Guido Grossmann