Like all organisms, plants can perceive their environment, from salinity and the presence of microbes to water availability. Changes in any of these factors trigger a unique pattern of signaling in cells, which propagates from cell to cell and ultimately results in physiological changes at the organismal level.
Our team Envionmental Sensing is particularly interested in such patterns related to salinity, water deprivation, and biotic interactions in the rhizosphere. We investigate the role of calcium as a universal secondary messenger in regulating stress responses, as well as late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins as agents of physiological change under stress. We use genetically encoded fluorescent sensors to observe and characterize plants' responses to environmental changes in vivo and in real time.
Main topics
* Root Ca2+[cyt] signaling induced by biotic and abiotic factors
* Role of ROS signaling in plant response to increased salinity
* Role of LEA proteins in dehydration-resistant phenotype in plants
* Large scale plant phenotyping
Relevant publications
- Sadoine, M, De Michele, R, Župunski, M, Grossmann, G , Castro-Rodríguez, V. Monitoring nutrients in plants with genetically encoded sensors: Achievements and perspectives. Plant Phys, 10.1093/plphys/kiad337 (2023)
- VanBuren, R, Wai CM, Giarola, V, Župunski, M, Pardo, J, Kalinowski, M, Grossmann, G, and Bartels, D. Core cellular and tissue specific mechanisms enable desiccation tolerance in Craterostigma. Plant J. 10.1111/tpj.16165 (2023)
- Brost, C, Studtrucker, T, Reimann, R, Denninger, P, Czekalla, J, Krebs, M, Fabry, B, Schumacher, K, Grossmann, G, and Dietrich P. Multiple cyclic nucleotide-gated channels coordinate calcium oscillations and polar growth of root hairs. Plant J. doi: 10.1111/tpj.14371 (2019)
- Wan, W-L, Zhang, L, Pruitt, R, Zaidem, M, Brugman, R, Ma, X, Krol, E, Perraki, A, Kilian, J, Grossmann, G, Stahl, M, Shan, L, Zipfel, C, van Kan, JAL, Hedrich, R, Weigel, D, Gust, AA, and Nürnberger, T. Comparing Arabidopsis receptor kinase and receptor protein-mediated immune signaling reveals BIK1-dependent differences. New Phytol. doi: 10.1111/nph.15497. (2018)
- Grossmann, G*, Krebs, M*, Maizel, A*, Stahl, Y*, Vermeer, JEM*, and Ott, T. Green light for quantitative live-cell imaging in plants. J Cell Sci; doi: 10.1242/jcs.209270 (2018). – (Review).
- Keinath NF, Waadt R, Brugman R, Schroeder JI, Grossmann G, Schumacher K, and Krebs M. Live Cell Imaging with R-GECO1 Sheds Light on flg22- and Chitin-Induced Transient [Ca2+]cyt Patterns in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant, 8(8), 1188-1200 (2015).
Team members
Elizaveta Terlova
Milan Zupunski
* Fluorescent microscopy
* Genetically encoded fluorescent sensors
* Automatic phenotypic platform
* RNAseq